How many damages occur each year?
What are the primary causes of damages and near misses?
Are these events increasing or decreasing – and why?
Are some educational campaigns more effective than others?
These are some of the many difficult questions that remain unanswered due to the lack of data on a national level. Being able to answer these questions remains a necessary step in ensuring the safety and protection of people and underground infrastructure. To begin to address some of these questions, CGA’s stakeholders have focused on developing a method for national data collection. The result is DIRT ( – a secure web application for the collection and reporting of underground damage information.
DIRT allows users to submit damage and near miss reports; browse files submitted by the user’s organization; administer role-based company and user information; edit personal profiles; change/retrieve password; and submit feedback and questions. Anyone involved in underground facilities can contribute to and generate information from the DIRT tool. You simply have to go through the registration process to participate.
- Provides answers through data analysis
- Assists Best Practice Committees in their efforts
- Supports industry stakeholders
- Enhances Public Safety
Purpose of Data Collection
The primary purpose in collecting underground facility damage data is to analyze data, to learn why events occur, and how actions by industry can prevent them in the future; thereby, ensuring the safety and protection of people and the infrastructure. Data collection will allow the CGA to identify root causes, perform trend analysis, and help educate all stakeholders so that damages can be reduced through effective practices and procedures.
The CGA’s purpose is to reduce underground facility damage, which threatens the public’s safety and costs millions of dollars each year. In order to better understand where, how and why these damages are occurring, we require accurate and comprehensive data from all stakeholders. The data will be analyzed and our findings will be issued via comprehensive reports. The data will NOT be used for enforcement purposes or to try and determine damage liability. The individual identities of parties involved with records submitted will be kept confidential.
Recent Analysis of Dirt
While the SCGA is just gathering and preparing its data collected in this regards the CGA in the United States has been analyzing its data for a number of years. While there may be some slight differences in Saskatchewan, the CGA report provides some of the desired analysis and assessment of root cause of incidents in its reporting areas.
Click for the 2023 CGA DIRT Report.
Click Here for the 2023 Canadian CGA DIRT Report.
Getting Started
To participate in DIRT, simply go to and register as a user. Once your registration is confirmed, you can begin submitting damage information or generate reports on the existing data.