The CCGA has now released Best Practice Version 5.0. This includes updates developed through regional and stakeholder consensus. The SCGA Committee works closely with Saskatchewan members and the national group to ensure an up to date and sustainable document.
Terms and Conditions of Use The CCGA Best Practices have been developed through the commitment and consensus of a significant number of stakeholders to serve as an educational guide to promote damage prevention in Canada. It is subject to the following limitations:
• The Canadian Common Ground Alliance does not endorse any product, technology or company even though it is supported financially by its member companies and sponsors.
• The CCGA Best Practices manual is an educational guide and a general purpose tool which is not meant to replace existing standards, policies, or provincial/federal regulations or laws.
• The practice statements and descriptions outlined in each chapter of the guide represent activities that are currently followed by industry to promote damage prevention to underground infrastructure. Not all stakeholders are in a position to adopt these best practices but it is hoped that they will become universal over time. What’s new? Welcome to the fifth edition of our Best Practice Manual. This update is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of the Damage Prevention industry. We’re excited to introduce a series of enhancements and new additions that reflect the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies.
The following modifications were approved by the Best Practices Committee and CCGA Board:
• Modification to Practice 1-13, Contact between the Designer/Engineer
• Modification to Practice 3-12, Facility Verification
• Modification to Practice 3-17, The Located Area
• Modification to Practice 4-11, Locate Verification
• Modification to Practice 7-1, Know the Target Audience
• Modification to Practice 7-2, Develop and Use a Marketing Plan
• Repealed Practice 7-3, Practice Project Management
• Modification to Practice 7-4, Create an Effective Damage Prevention Message
• Modification to Practice 7-5, Promote the Damage Prevention Message
• Modification to Practice 7-6, Establish Strategic Relationships
• Modification to Practice 7-7, Measure Results for Improvement Opportunities We encourage you to explore these updates, which are designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary for excellence in damage prevention. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping future editions, and we look forward to your continued contributions to our shared goals of safety and efficiency.
If you have any ideas to revise or improve the Best Practices Manual please use the attached SCGA Best Practices Proposal Form and email it to [email protected].
For more information relating to Best Practices see the SCGA Best Practices Committee.